Project Management

We know from our experience that every project requires not only an individual approach, but also standardised and efficient procedures.
That is why our teams operate under supervision of experienced project managers who work in accordance with precisely formulated and well proven procedures, which are always tailored to meet expectations of the client, while division of duties and areas of competence are strictly defined. As part of Project Management, we supervise, coordinate and monitor actions of all participants in the development process. We have long experience in not only managing projects but also managing costs and monitoring projects, which allows us to perceive the investment in its whole scope, and this, in turn, enables us to be a strong aid for our clients.

Kluczowe czynniki sukcesu:

● Precyzyjne określenie celów projektu,

● Ciągła, metodyczna ocena szans i zagrożeń projektowych,

● Efektywna koordynacja działań wszystkich uczestników procesu inwestycyjnego,

● Prawidłowy przepływ informacji,

● Skuteczne zarządzanie zmianami w procesach (Change Management).


Jarosław Jurkowski

Członek Zarządu

G2J Consulting

We are a Polish consulting company providing our clients with comprehensive support during the entire investment process

Registration data

G2J sp. z o.o. sp.k. 
REGON: 380077287
NIP: 9452220354
KRS: 0000729888


Pilot Tower
ul. Pilotów 10,
31-462 Kraków
+48 571 556 639

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